Origami Chile is happy to announce its VIth International CConvention and 2nd Latin American Congress in Santiago de Chile on August 25th, 26th and 27th. Special guest will be the Masters Eric Gjerde (USA), Isa Klein (Brasil) and Aldo Marcell (Nicaragua). We want to invite all folders and interested to participate on this event and therefore celebrate a fantastic meeting of friendship and paper. Soon we will post more information about inscription, commodities and the program in our web site (http://www.origamichile.cl/).
Calling for Diagrams for the Convention Book
We invite all creators and diagramers to participate in our commemorative Convention book, where we hope to gather wonderful figures, for different levels of complexity. We want this book to keep being a window shelf for latin american (and also worldwide) and we hope to reach many different places in the world. From this edition on we want to privilege:
• Quality on the diagramming
• The use of international rules on representing folds and steps• Original creations not published before (or at least in a window of 6 months)
• Diagrams in format Freehand, PDF o images like JPG, PNG o GIF.
We ask to send them to: convención.origamichile@gmail.com, with your name, email address, postal address and group you belong (if it is the case). Authors selected will receive a copy of the book after the Congress. The reception will be UNTIL JULY 31st 2011.
kind regards to all.
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