Next Chilean Origami Convention is coming next July 29th and its commemorative book is almost ready. Here is a preliminary list with its models that I want to share with you. We are most proud an happy since again an amazing collection of figures, coming from many great authors in the world and specially from Latin America has arrived. It has been always our goal to create a document of high standards where to show the art of so many new creators to the world's community and to the Convention assistants. Its diagramming will be closing next weekend so I would like to invite you in case you want to be part of this beautiful collection and send us one or two of your diagrams. You can send them to convencion.origamichile@gmail.com
Many regards.
V Convención Internacional Origami Chile, Santiago 2010 (Conmemorative Book)
1. Love Letter (Lukyanov Andrey, Rusia)
2. Mama Crane (Jared Needle, USA)
3. Prasentation Saules (Roberto Romero, Perú)
4. Tiranosaurio (Cristián Castillo Estrada, Chile)
5. Dragón Volador (Cristián Castillo Estrada, Chile)
6. Pequeño Elefante (Paul Espinoza, Ecuador)
7. Ray (Ma Yong, China)
8. Manta Raya (Jesús Guillermo Cadena, Colombia)
9. Manta Raya (Jaime Niño, Colombia)
10. Ahh Mask (Bruno Ferraz, Brasil)
11. Zigzag Mask (Bruno Ferraz, Brasil)
12. Girafa (Bruno Ferraz, Brasil)
13. Caracol (Elmer López, Bolivia)
14. Estrella Navidad (Javier Miranda, Venezuela)
15. Fox Terrier (Julio Eduardo C T, Bolivia)
16. Herón (Dr. Michael Weinstein, USA)
17. Japanese Beetle (CP, Diego Fernando Becerra, Colombia)
18. Lesbia Victoriae (Juan Landeta, Ecuador)
19. Liebre (Julio Eduardo CT, Bolivia)
20. Itaibera (Nicolás Delgado, Bolivia)
21. Guacamayo (Alejandro Dueñas, Perú)
22. Loro Pirata (Gabriel Saavedra M, Chile)
23. Jolly Roger (Gabriel Saavedra M, Chile)
24. Perro Juguetón (Gabriel Castro Rodríguez, Colombia)
25. Hipogrifo (Duk Uqullias Erazo, Ecuador)
26. Star Bird (Sanja Srbljinović Čuček, Croacia)
27. Tarjeta Origami (Oswaldo Gutiérrez Tobón, Colombia)
28. Unicornio (Julio Eduardo CT, Bolivia)
29. Minotaur (Gilad Aharoni, Israel)
30. Casco Vikingo (Jaime Niño, Colombia)
31. Pollo Godie (Richard Jiménez, Colombia)
32. Dinosaurio (patricio Kunz, Chile)
33. Barco (Beatriz González, Chile)
34. Cruz Piramidal (Beatriz González, Chile)
35. Moai (Andrei Ermakov, Rusia)
36. Quirquincho (Edwin Claudio Flores, Bolivia)
37. Caballo (Nicolás Gajardo, Chile)